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Pricing of Stained Glass

While deciding to order a custom piece of stained glass is a simple choice, understanding the pricing can be a little more complex. But don't worry, at Caveman Glassworks, we've got you covered! We have provided two helpful links that contain all the information you need to make an informed decision when placing an order.


At a glance, pricing a custom stained glass panel is determined by three main factors: size, glass type, and complexity. The size of the panel sets the base price while the complexity needs a bit of explaining.


For example, someone orders a 12" x 12" panel which contains four evenly sized pieces versus this same panel with 120 odd shaped pieces. Although the amount of glass used in each panel is the same, the size and number of the smaller pieces sets the complexity.  Visit the links below to gain a deeper understanding of stained glass pricing.

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